CHONKER.FINANCE — Whale Army AMA Session

Whale Army
5 min readFeb 6, 2021


CHONKER.Finance is an experimental gamifying NFT protocol inspired by cats

Guest of the AMA session:
Sam, CEO

Welcome sir to whale army, it is a pleasure having you here

Can you tell us abit about Chonk? How it came to be and what gives it the underlying value?

Well Chonker Finance is an NFT project, users can basically stake our native token $CHONK and accrue FISH to unlock NFTs. As for the underlying value, as the ecosystem grows, the token value will naturally follow. And we plan on introducing many features including our upcoming feature, Gachapon

Just going back to your first response, you mentioned Gachapon…. Can you explain what Gachapon exactly is?

CHONK Gachapon is our unique, Japanese-inspired game that dispenses capsuled NFT toys! Closest comparison would be akin to loot boxes. With the launch of Gachapon, we’ll be also introducing a new native ERC20 token called Taiyaki, there will be several ways you can obtain it, 1. by providing liquidity, 2. by simply being a tier holder member or by converting existing FISH over to Taiyaki, forgot to mention that the only way you can spin the capsules to obtain the NFT is by using Taiyaki

You can read more here:

How does $CHONK differentiate themselves to NFT projects/competitors?

Besides just being the only CHONKY CAT NFT project in the crypto-verse, we’re also targeting an entirely different niche than most NFT projects. Our main focus is particularly in the manga and trading card industry. One great example of the potential within this market is the current trend of buying/selling pokemon trading cards, just shows you how much opportunity there is.

Another incentive to hold Chonk. I like it.

Yep, this is one of the first features that we’re introducing, more will be introduced as our ecosystem grows which brings further value to $CHONK

Is there any upcoming news? On your roadmap, there is only a timescale up until April. What is coming after April?

Well Gachapon is one of the upcoming news, alongside that, we have plenty of influencers that we’re collaborating with. A few newly launched projects in the crypto-verse will also be using our platform for exclusive NFTs.

What are the marketing plans in the future?

We’re keeping the marketing plans in tight wraps for now, but we’ll be heavily targeting the current japanese anime/manga market. One of the reasons why we’re focused on making our upcoming Gachapon UI as friendly as possible so new users have no issues. Also happy to announce that we’ll be using a layer 2 solution for Gachapon to prevent the high gas fees.
We’ll also be collaborating with more CT influencers.

How safe is the contract? We have seen many contracts exploited so I think it is paramount for investors to invest in something which they are secure in.

Glad you asked, so we mentioned that we did collab with influencers, one of which was Cyotee! so naturally, our contract has been audited by the man himself. We plan on getting more audits done after Gachapon is live.


Why should I or others Invest in $CHONK?

Many reasons, if you’re betting on the NFT industry becoming a behemoth in the future, particularly in the manga/anime niche, then you’re in right place. Or you could be a avid manga fan that loves collecting anime NFT artworks.

As we expand our ecosystem to introduce more games, the utility and value of $CHONK will naturally follow. We’ll be partnering up with manga publishers, established artists and comic illustrators to bring increased value to $CHONK holders. FYI, our first artist was Gonzo, the artist that did the artwork for Gorillaz.

Besides just investing and speculating, we also have a tier system that I mentioned earlier briefly. There are four tiers: just by holding the minimum amount corresponding to each tier, you get monthly EXCLUSIVE NFT airdrops, have access to the private chonkiest group on earth and Taiyaki Coins that you can use for our upcoming Gachapon machine.

This was the previous exclusive NFT airdrop for our TIER 4 members:

Big fan of japanese anime and manga, any plan to “chonkenize” in the near future great hits like Dragon Ball, Captain Tsubasa and so?

Man of culture! Yes, at least that’s the plan. We’re still early but we have someone that can help us get the right connections. The aim is to collaborate with western publishers like Crunchyroll.

It is unfortunate that some projects remain half way because their developers abandon the concept because they cannot achieve the desired capitalization in the long term; how do you plan to make this project sustainable for its development?

Well through numerous outlets, our official merch stores, opensea commissions, fees that we charge for using the platform, etc.

What is the incentive through Chonk for artists to collaborate? Allocations from the marketing fund to attract big name publishers being considered?

They get majority of the sales earned, we simply charge a commission for artists to use the platform. More details when we launch Gachapon!

This is an edited version of the AMA session — the full version you can find by this link:

Whale Army
See us live buying big whale bags
No lies, no empty shilling
We endeavour to help each other

Please, join and enjoy

